We make dreams come true.
What we do?
dıgıtal dıstrıbutıon
ALAZ LTD ensures seamless digital distribution tailored to your specific needs.
Our mission is to provide unfiltered, unbiased, fact-based journalism that empowers rather than unsettles.
growıng pORTFOLIO
Our portfolio includes leading brands in technology, entertainment, shopping, health, cybersecurity, and martech.
Socıal medıa
We understand social behaviors within online communities, cultures and subcultures, and we help our clients reach the right people in a strategic, relevant and effective way.
physIcal dIstrIbutIon
We provide comprehensive physical distribution solutions, giving you complete control over your supply chain from warehouse to store shelf.
We’re a team of digital architects, strategists, marketers, entrepreneurs and futurists who’ve been connecting brands with audiences since 2012.

Instant Entertainment
As the driving force behind Gamepey.com, we take immense pride in serving the global gaming and digital entertainment community. Armed with a vast catalog of products and an unwavering commitment to delivering unparalleled service.
Gamepey offers an extensive range of products, ensuring there's something for everyone's gaming and digital entertainment needs.
At Gamepey, customer satisfaction is paramount. We prioritize reliability in all our operations, ensuring that our customers can trust us to consistently deliver exceptional service.
Discover quality at affordable prices with Gamepey. We strive to offer competitive pricing, ensuring accessibility to premium digital products and services for all our customers.

Simplify Your Life with Leading Brands
At ALAZ LTD, we partner with top-tier brands to simplify your life. Through distributing industry-leading products, including gift cards, wallet codes, in-game balances, and platform memberships, we strive to enhance convenience and elevate your digital lifestyle.